30 August 2006

Define OLD

well, written in large letters since I hate reading those smaller words.


Thor said...

Since we left Africa there is a fight about standards. Like old.

AdrianaStuijt said...

I find that the older I get, dear brother living along the rough Western Seaboard of the USA, the more I like it. I now can do pretty much want I want to and due to my short grey hairs, usually can get away with even the most horrendous behaviour I would have been punished for as a youngster. I think nothing of splashing with my boots through rain puddles and soaking everyone around me, nor do I give diddlysquat whether anybody is annoyed by my stomping around in my KLOMPEN through my living room. All such behaviour is now being excused as part of the excentricities of old age. So if I get up at 3am and have supper, cooking up a storm and having the lovely aroma of fresh-cooked spaghetti sauce wafting throughout the apartment building, the neighbours just sigh resignedly. Lovely!

AdrianaStuijt said...

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